Me...Through the Eyes of My Students

I do not use a cane. I do not wear clothes that look like that. (Except that the t-shirt in this drawing is so hilarious and so perfect for me that, when the student artist who thought it up showed it to me Friday afternoon, I had to set down my actual cup of coffee so that I could throw my head back in laughter and run across the hall to my co-worker who owns a cricut and ask her to make me one to wear on casual Fridays. Of course I’ll post a pic when it’s done. Glad you asked.) I do not look like Sloth from The Goonies or like one of those people who are really top-heavy with little stringy pencil legs (not that there’s anything wrong with that). I also don’t have the facial features this particular student artist was referring to when he approached me in my classroom while I was sitting at my computer entering grades and said, “Turn this way…I’ve got to make sure I get all 5 of your chins.” But I think that was the whole point. And that’s talent. I’m...