
Showing posts from July, 2024

Magic: Part 2

The summer before my first professional teaching job, I spent most of my nights going to bars with friends and most of my days struggling to wake up by 7:55 to hurriedly shower and, fingers crossed, make it to my job as a preschool teacher’s aide by 8 AM. I was subleasing an apartment situated right next to the preschool, so to get to work I just had to walk across the shared parking lot, but you’d be surprised at how little the benefit of that tiny commute did to help me actually make it to work on time. I had just graduated from college and quit working at Walmart, the job I’d known and loved the past five years, to focus more on my future career in education.   (Yes, you read that correctly.   It took me 5 years to graduate college with a teaching degree—and a minor in Spanish, let’s not forget—but only because I always go above and beyond and I just wanted to make sure I was really smart before I left.) [Side note:   Working at Walmart was so fun. Although I wasn’t the most go